Thimeo stereo tool serial number
Thimeo stereo tool serial number

thimeo stereo tool serial number

thimeo stereo tool serial number

Stereo Tool Enterprise: Starting another instance instead fires up the GUI of already running instance. Unused (disabled) settings with legacy values are reset to their new defaults. For low latency, you should use ASIO anyway.īypass mode now goes through the whole chain, but with everything (except Hard Limit) disabled. Increased Wasapi/MME/Kernel Streaming latency setting for stability. Restored version 8.54 behavior.ĪGC: Gate response speed optimized when using RMS detection mode.ĪGC: Made singleband linking mode work in both directions, and fixed a bug that caused it to sometimes not work before.Ĭompressors (analog mode): Gate response speed optimized when using RMS detection mode.

thimeo stereo tool serial number

Mac: OS X Catalina and Big Sur: All OS X binaries are now signed and ask for the required permissions.Īdvanced Clipper: Added new highs gap protection mode: frequency response is flatter, sounds warmer with fewer mid highs and more top highs.Īdvanced Clipper: Added new ABDP bass/highs IMD protection mode: More mid-bass is allowed through.Īdvanced Clipper: Improved ABDP highs IMD protection, less impact on highs.Īdvanced Clipper: Added pre-clip option that prioritizes highs slightly more when other sounds (mids/lows) are really loud, to protect against IMD.Īdvanced Clipper: Leif's Highs Gap Protection in Legacy mode didn't behave like older versions anymore.

#Thimeo stereo tool serial number update#

Updated I/O library (PortAudio) to latest version (fixes OS X 10.15 and recent Windows 10 update issues).

Thimeo stereo tool serial number