Is there no asana for mac
Is there no asana for mac

  • SOPs (Same as templates, SOPs can live in each project and one tag makes for a quick reference of all SOPs across projects).
  • Having a tag is a one click stop to see all the created templates across all projects).
  • Templates (Templates can live across projects and have in the past for us.
  • However, for us to see a list of our consolidated bookkeeping jobs we use this tag).
  • Bookkeeping (We assume tasks are tax or research related inside CY Projects.
  • We put the question in CY Projects and give it the email tag.)
  • ​Emails (Sometimes a question by email is more long term and needs collaboration.
  • The tag naming convention follows the naming convention found for their slack channel, timesheet code, and gmail label.) A team member can go to any client and instantly have a background on the client's past and active engagements.
  • Every client gets a tag ( Every client has their own tag.
  • It's an easy way to create a new view to search. We most frequently use a client tag, and every client gets a tag.
  • 👪 P'Task Bucket (a bucket section of projects I'm responsible for).
  • ✋ On Hold (usually tasks that have some type of a block).
  • 👷 In Process (tasks with no roadblocks to me starting).
  • All of my sections currently sit under Today (Asana has three auto sections: today, upcoming, later). Some ideas are on ​ " How do you organize your to-dos in My Tasks?". I opted to create sections around priorities and who I need to follow up with, and holding buckets for tasks that have my name on it (like sales leads). I have seen people create sections for the times of the day or days of the week. I do have a basic model that works for me. I haven't been inspired in customizing `My Tasks` sections. My Tasks is paralyzing without customizing it for sections because it gets so long and unorganized.
  • You really turn the heat up on My Tasks when you customize with sections.
  • You can drag and drop tasks in order of your preference to prioritize as you see fit, and Asana remembers your order the next time you sign in. My preferred view is the default with "no sort".
  • My Tasks is the best place to see all of the tasks / responsibilities assigned to you.
  • ​Asana is the place where team leaders go to see the big picture of what’s being worked on.
  • EXT - Filed (extension for tax returns are filed & accepted).
  • is there no asana for mac

    E-Filed (we leave tasks here and not marked "complete" when we are tracking the e-file acceptance).Signed/Not Filed (Received DocuSign but have not e-filed yet).Sent/Not Signed (DocuSign sent but not received back).Finalizing (a partner-level review & setting up DocuSign/delivery email).Open Items Out (questions & requests are with the client).R1 (First review after preparation is done).PBC In / Not Started (Flags projects we can start but haven't).PBC / Not In (We do not have documents to start work).This design principle falls neatly into the book Don't Make Me Think. To get a little taste, I left the emojis off the list of stages. It's easier to see the "🏁" instead of reading only text 'Finalizing'. We capture bookkeeping specific tasks like monthly recons, historical clean ups, and QBO conversions.īefore we list out the stages with description, a helpful hint is to add emojis to the stage names! Emojis make digesting the stages easier from the project view.As does 'Off Dates' which captures anything that is outside of the 3/15 or 4/15 filing dates. Amended returns get their own section for easy tracking.

    is there no asana for mac

    (we did create a zapier flow that moves a task from April to Oct 15th automatically when the extension is filed). Then we added in sections for extension due dates.

    is there no asana for mac

    We primarily have due dates on US tax returns for March and April 15th.

  • Tax returns are grouped by their due date.
  • Typical projects here are quarterly estimates calculations and tax projections.
  • is there no asana for mac

    Is there no asana for mac iso#

    For example, ISO equity planning projects, S-Corp conversion projects, R&D studies, etc.' This section captures most everything else and many consulting projects.I'll list off each section and a description of the tasks found within the section. What section of the project does a task go to?

    Is there no asana for mac